The Virtua Striker soccer series returns for a 3rd installment and is now powered by the Naomi 2 GD ROM hardware. This installment provides even more realism than ever, thanks to a graphics upgrade and improvements in players' controls.
Virtua Striker 3 is based on the 2002 World Cup. The same 32 countries making up the field for WC02 are in the game, including the 1998 champion France and the team that will host the WC02 Japan and Korea. Players now have improved ball maneuverability increasing character movements an astonishing 10 times, allowing them to side step, back flip and step over the ball, as well as perform sharper turns and tackle more accurately. But beware! VS3 sees introduction of official World Cup rules including Yellow Cards, Red Cards, and off-sides. So violent tackles are met with either a yellow or red card, which can lead to a player being sent off.
Team tactics and strategy get a reworks as well with one-on-one, team interaction, and player positioning being the major improvements resulting in action that almost looks real. The speed of the game has also been increased to allow faster game play with less stoppage to improve the flow of the game.