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Pump It Up Prime 2 2018 Free Update

Pump It Up Prime 2 2018 Free Update
Pump It Up Prime 2 2018 Free Update
Pump It Up Prime 2 2018 free update will be released on 1st January 2018. The latest version is version is V2.00.0. The updates will improve and change some graphics and likely bug fixes. Of course new songs will be included. Here are some of the new Songs of Prime 2018:
1. Super Capriccio
2. Anguished Unmaking
3. Beautiful
4. Energetic
5. Really Really
6. Infinity
7. Beethoven Ludwig Van
8. Hyperion
9. Kasou Shinja
10. Twist of Fate
11. HTTP

Please make sure your machine has already been keeping up-to-date with the latest software(version 1.10.2) so as to ensure the installation of 2108 update properly.