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Coin Meter 12 Volts (6 Digits) Made in Taiwan Coin Meter 12 Volts (6 Digits) Made in Taiwan

This 12volts DC digital counter (6 digit) is made by Taiwan manufacturer and is constructed with metal "mounting bracket" for easy installation. It connects up to the counter circuit with two wires.

Availability : In Stock

$4.00 USD

as low as
$3.80 USD
Coin Meter 12Volts (6 Digits) Coin Meter 12Volts (6 Digits)

Digital Counter - 6 digit 12volts DC digital counter constructed with metal "mounting bracket" for easy installation. It connects up to the counter circuit with two wires.

Availability : In Stock

$2.20 USD

as low as
$1.65 USD
Coin Meter 5Volts (6 Digits) Coin Meter 5Volts (6 Digits)

Digital Counter - 6 digit 5volts DC digital counter constructed with metal "mounting bracket" for easy installation. It connects up to the counter circuit with two wires.

Availability : In Stock

$2.20 USD

as low as
$1.65 USD
Digital Coin Meter (Dual 7 digit counter) Digital Coin Meter (Dual 7 digit counter)

An LCD digital coin meter used for counting the number of times that a digital event has occurred. It can display 2 rows of digits, with 7 numbers on each row. This allows 2 separate input devices to be connected at once, with the top line displaying the first input, and the bottom line displaying the second input. This essentially allows it to function as 2 coin meters.

Availability : In Stock

$4.90 USD

as low as
$4.40 USD
Resettable Digital Coin Meter (Dual 7 digit counter) Resettable Digital Coin Meter (Dual 7 digit counter)

An LCD digital coin meter used for counting the number of times that a digital event has occurred. It can display 2 rows of digits, with 7 numbers on each row. This allows 2 separate input devices to be connected at once, with the top line displaying the first input, and the bottom line displaying the second input. This essentially allows it to function as 2 coin meters. Besides, this coin meter features with a Reset Button to reset the meter at any time.

Availability : In Stock

$7.95 USD